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Dr, Sheerin Incharge of the Department

KIHD is one of the major tertiary care cardiac specified hospital which established a department of “Research & CME” in April 2008. The department is being supervised by an Assistant Professor, Dr. Javed Ismail, who is addition to his MBBS also has his MSc in epidemiology from Aga Khan University. Promotion of research activities are the top most priority of the “Research & CME Department”


Database will be created, which will include all the clinical data generated in the KIHD

Hospital based surveillance systems will be created to monitor hospital based mortality/morbidity surveillance system

Epidemiological/Clinical Research will be conducted on the hypothesis/objectives generated by faculty members

Collaborative research will be initiated with other hospitals and cardiology institutes at national and international level

Workshops will be conducted on research methodology, biostatics, and SPSS to health care providers from all over Pakistan

Workshops, seminars, and conferences on important clinical topics of cardiology

Community surveillance system for heart diseases to find out incidence and prevalence of CVD

Annual research retreat

Publish a scientific journal from KIHD


    Hospital based prospective registry database for patients admitted in KIHD for cardiac catheterization, and their follow up after every three months, to monitor their progress, and major events. The data is being collected since October 2009

    Dietary Habits of Patients admitted in KIHD. The aim of our ongoing study is to find out the dietary habits of patients admitted in KIHD

    A cross-sectional study based on echocardiography data of KIHD. The aim of the study was to find out the prevalence of left ventricular failure and valvular heart defects in patients consulting KIHD

    Randomized Clinical trial comparing the efficacy of clopidogrel  manufactured by a national and multinational pharmaceutical firm.

    To find out the occlusions of different locations of coronary vessels with the help of coronary angiography

    To find out the risk factors of cardiac disease among individuals, attending 2nd Annual Dr. Abdul Haq Khan seminar at KIHD

    Awareness of major risk factors of heart diseases among individuals, attending seminar at KIHD


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